Infrared Sauna

The Healthiest way to release toxins

Cleanse from the inside out

Far, Mid and Near infrared waves

The Power of Three

Our infrared sauna is the best companion for the EE System. Equipped with a triple wavelength strength system–Far, Mid and Near–, it accesses different levels of tissue and maximize results, while minimizing the delivery risks.

Far: Centers on the deepest levels of detoxification, extracting the toxins from the cells.

Mid: Improves circulation, in both vascular and lymphatic systems. Moving toxins fast towards the skin.

Near: Opens up pores, pushing the toxins out of the body for good, without damaging vital organs.

Skin Health

The first immediate result people notice after using the sauna is an improvement in skin health.

Old skin is shed and the one underneath is terse, toned and healthy, invigorated by the Near wavelength, which promotes collagen production in dermis and epidermis layers.

People report healing from acne, eczema and other skin infections, reduction of wrinkles and scars, and a skin that is terse and firm, without beign dry or oily.

Skin Health

The first immediate result people notice after using the sauna is an improvement in skin health.

Old skin is shed and the one underneath is terse, toned and healthy, invigorated by the Near wavelength, which promotes collagen production in dermis and epidermis layers.

People report healing from acne, eczema and other skin infections, reduction of wrinkles and scars, and a skin that is terse and firm, without beign dry or oily.


Pain relief and antiaging effects of our sauna

Reduce Inflammation

Our Mid wavelength works wonders on your soft tissue, muscles, and joints, giving them a boost of blood flow that reduces pain and inflammation, promoting healing.

Whether you’re battling ongoing pain or you’re an active soul hitting the gym, this system is tailor-made for you. The more you make the sauna a part of your routine, the more you’ll experience a youthful vibe, all thanks to the speedy recovery powered by those well-nourished tissues.



Our sauna aids emotional health, reduces anxiety, stress, and promotes a restful sleep

Emotional Health

The sauna induces deep relaxation, having a direct effect over anxiety, stress and sleep quality.

As your body absorbs the gentle warmth, your parasympathetic nervous system takes charge, easing your heart rate, synchronizing your breathing, and releasing muscle tension. This orchestration of calmness doesn’t stop at the body; it extends to your mind, creating a tranquil mental space where stressors lose their grip.

Priming your body for profound relaxation lays the foundation for a higher quality of sleep. As your mind and body unwind, your sleep becomes more restorative, enhancing memory consolidation, emotional balance, and cellular repair.

Emotional Health

The sauna induces deep relaxation, having a direct effect over anxiety, stress and sleep quality.

As your body absorbs the gentle warmth, your parasympathetic nervous system takes charge, easing your heart rate, synchronizing your breathing, and releasing muscle tension. This orchestration of calmness doesn’t stop at the body; it extends to your mind, creating a tranquil mental space where stressors lose their grip.

Priming your body for profound relaxation lays the foundation for a higher quality of sleep. As your mind and body unwind, your sleep becomes more restorative, enhancing memory consolidation, emotional balance, and cellular repair.

Our sauna aids emotional health, reduces anxiety, stress, and promotes a restful sleep
The infrared sauna aids the immune system

Aids the Immune System

The body has a tendency to hide everything it can’t manage inside the fat tissue. As the fat tissue heats up by our deep range waves, it releases stored toxins and waste products. These toxins may include heavy metals, chemicals, and metabolic byproducts. In turn, the mid and low range waves fast lead these toxins out of the body.

This elimination of toxins has a profound effect on the immune system, reducing the burden, eases the effects of illnesses like Hashimoto thyroiditis or Lyme disease. In particular, it’s one of the very few ways to eliminate leakage products from breast implants, which can and often do produce autoimmune responses.

Another direct effect of making the fat cells release their contents is weight loss, which can become permanent if accompanied by a healthy diet and exercise.

Service Hours

Monday to Friday: 9 AM – 7 PM
Saturday: 8 AM – 2 PM
Overnight Stay: Wednesday 9 PM – 7 AM
Sunday: Closed

Where To Find Us

Music City Energy Spa and Wellness is located at 1605 Westgate Circle, Brentwood, Tn 37027.