Frequently Asked Questions

What make the EESystem so different?

The EESystem provides an environment to optimize the body’s cellular energy to 70-90 milivolts, which is the potential differential of healthy cells. Another way to say it that PH moves naturally towards it’s proper value of 7.4. The technology works combining scalar waves, photon therapy, Shumman resonance in a proprietary technology which blends it all together in perfect balance. See the Testimonials page for experiences of those who have tried the system in our center.

How do I book a Session?

This link will take you the booking page. From any other page in the website, click the top right button that says: Book an Appointment. YOU MUST BE A MEMBER TO BUY EES SESSIONS. YOU CAN BUY MEMBERSHIP IN STORE- $20/LIFETIME

What does the EES Room look like?
The room provides comfortable plus power recliners where you will find the perfect place to relax, meditate, and be in contact with yourself without the distraction of sudden noises or phones. All around you the 24 panels run a mesmerizing and soothing combination of signs and colors that carry and enhance the scalar waves.
Are there any rules for my session that I should be aware of?

Help create the environment that will heal you and others.

– Soft voices are kindly requested in reception area. No talking in the EES room.
– Cell phones should be silenced.
Be mindful of the screen towers, they are aligned with precision and that is part of the healing power.
– The furniture is also carefully aligned, please don’t move it.
– Feel free to use the bathroom during your session. Please be as quiet as possible when handling the
Please don’t bring food to the room.
– If you have special needs that require to bring equipment, please let us know beforehand.

Should I bring anything to my session?

We provide the following:

– A blanket
– Cold water
– Ear plugs
– Eye mask

– For overnight stay please bring – A pillow, sheet for mattress, wear comfy clothes.
*For some overnight stays, mattress will not be available. Power recliner will always be available.

And of course, bring your mindful desire to be the healthiest version of yourself and use the session to center intent.

How should I prepare for my session?

If possible, consider going through a mild detox and be hydrated when coming to a session. One of the consequences of the EESystem is detox, and it’s advisable to help the process be as light as possible to avoid feeling uncomfortable. We can provide you a detox protocol to follow if you want to go that path.

What can I expect from my session?
Each person is different so the benefits after the first session vary. People report emotional well-being and improved energy as the most common response to the first session. For people who want to improve performance, they see mental clarity and more energy. For illnesses related with PH or the nervous system, the results, most often are noticeable fast, even in some illnesses considered incurable.

For people with joint and bone problems, improvement might take several sessions, even overnight. They usually report feeling buzzing sensations in the area, before recovery.

See the testimonials of people who have visited our center.

One of the consequences of the EE Therapy is detox. If your body is loaded with toxins, you might have detox effects, like dizziness and headaches. This is why we recommend a light detox, plenty of water and the EESalt bath after.

What should I do after the session?
The session will cause detox if there is any need for it–and in most cases it is, as we live in a polluted world. Drinking plenty of water before, during and after the session helps move toxins easier.

After the session we recommend to have an EESalt bath. We provide it with the 1st session and you can buy more in our Store.

How Many Sessions will I Need to feel results?
To start seeing results, a minimum of two hours is needed. How many sessions you need will depend on your particular situation. Some people see results right away, some after some sessions, or overnight sessions.
What happens if I can’t make my session?

There is a 2 hour cancellation policy, so if you know in advance you are not going to make it, you can cancel or re-schedule. If you are running late, we recommend that you take as much advantage of the session as you can, even when the two hour session minimum is what have shown better results.

Can I bring my dog or cat?
Yes. We do offer sessions for owners and service or emotional support pets, even overnight sessions. Please note, we can only accommodate dogs and cats.

Pets seem to show results faster than people, possibly because they don’t have any pre-conceived ideas regarding health.

Dogs must be crated or leashed with a blanket for them to lie on. Cats must be crated.

Can I get a discount?

We have special fairs for veterans/active duty military/1st responders/Unifyd TV members. Once you have your profile set up, contact us to setup your discount.

We also run specials very often to celebrate important dates in the year. If you haven’t done it yet, register to our mailing list to know when the next special offer comes up.