Whole body Vibration

Three powerful systems in one

Much More than Passive Exercise

Sonic whole body vibration, three systems in one

The Piezoelectric Field


Every cell in our body emit an electromagnetic field, a natural elastic “superglue” called piezoelectric field, that held them together. This field is different for healthy and sick tissues and can be influenced externally like an organic tuning fork. This effect has been widely studied and Jean-Martin Charcot used to heal in the late 1800s. This is not a new technology.

The result of adding up all the piezoelectric fields form the torsion field of the body.

Our Sonic Whole Body Vibration System uses three technologies in one, giving it more power and fine-tuning ability to act on a global and local form. It’s a fantastic technology. They are:

Whole Body Vibration
Pulse Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy
Royal Rife Frequency Technology

whole body vibration machine

Whole Body Vibration

When you vibrate, exciting the 80 trillion cells in the body, you increase their cell voltage, move lymphatic fluid and the whole body starts to restore order. This translates into:
Increase Oxygen uptake
Improve blood flow
Alkalize the blood

No matter what is happening with you, if your body can heal it, the Whole Body Sonic System will give it assistance.

Our sonic system uses pure vertical movement, which is much better for joints and ligaments than the traditional pivoting systems. It activates the muscles, moves fluid, and reduces inflammation.

Whole Body Vibration

When you vibrate, exciting the 80 trillion cells in the body, you increase their cell voltage, move lymphatic fluid and the whole body starts to restore order. This translates into:
Increase Oxygen uptake
Improve blood flow
Alkalize the blood

No matter what is happening with you, if your body can heal it, the Whole Body Sonic System will give it assistance.

Our sonic system uses pure vertical movement, which is much better for joints and ligaments than the traditional pivoting systems. It activates the muscles, moves fluid, and reduces inflammation.

whole body vibration machine
human torsion field pemf therapy

PEMF Therapy

The movement of the plate in our Sonic Whole Body machine is magnetic in nature, instead of mechanical–the same way speakers work. It emits pulsing electromagnetic fields, which are fantastic to reinforce the torsion field of the body.

There is a fundamental difference between pulsing electromagnetic fields and open electromagnetic waves–like are the cell phone towers or your wireless router emissions. Open electromagnetic fields have a deforming effect in the body torsion field, while pulsing electromagnetic fields reinforce it.

There is also another very important source of PEMF… the Earth. The pulse of the Earth can be measured and it’s roughly half a Gauss. Walking barefoot is a well known therapeutic process called Earthing. Our machine pulses at 200 Gauss, being 400 times more powerful than walking barefoot.

This technology is mainstream and used regularly for chronic pain, recovery from fractures, improving circulation and post surgical treatments. It’s also regularly used by Olympic teams to speed recovery of their athletes.

singing bowl, sound healing

Royal Rife Frequency Technology

Having PEMF technology at the base of our system has another important advantage. It’s the same principle of speakers, but with no actual sound, so we can connect a cell phone or another device and have the machine vibrate to sound.

Where this becomes highly therapeutic is when we combine it with Rife frequencies. We use the information gathered from our Root Cause Protocol to select the right frequencies that will assist the body into the process of self-healing.

The healing power of sound and sound frequencies is also an antique technology. There are references of singing bowls in Tibet and India dated 2000 years ago.

Royal Rife Frequency Technology

Having PEMF technology at the base of our system has another important advantage. It’s the same principle of speakers, but with no actual sound, so we can connect a cell phone or another device and have the machine vibrate to sound.

Where this becomes highly therapeutic is when we combine it with Rife frequencies. We use the information gathered from our Root Cause Protocol to select the right frequencies that will assist the body into the process of self-healing.

The healing power of sound and sound frequencies is also an antique technology. There are references of singing bowls in Tibet and India dated 2000 years ago.


singing bowl, sound healing

Service Hours

Monday to Friday: 9 AM – 7 PM
Saturday: 8 AM – 2 PM
Overnight Stay: Wednesday 9 PM – 7 AM
Sunday: Closed

Where To Find Us

Music City Energy Spa and Wellness is located at 1605 Westgate Circle, Brentwood, Tn 37027.